About me
Hi! My name is Keri-Lyn Fitzgerald; also known as Keri, or KL! I told my second grade teacher it was my dream to be an artist. Twenty years, and thousands of hours in the studio and behind a camera later, I am beginning to make that dream a reality. I live a beautiful life in Alaska, traveling around the state and venturing throughout the rest of the world when I am able. Along with making art my other passions include exploring the mountains in all seasons, picking berries, looking at wildflowers, and reading.
Artist Statement
Making art is more than a final product, but a place I go to with my body and with my mind. This is the time when I feel most present. The time spent making work is a time of contemplation, and reflection on the small details of life that often get bypassed in our busy world. Clay is a medium that allows me to articulate those fleeting thoughts into something external and indefinite. Untamed, pure places and the time spent wandering around them mentally and physically are my greatest senses of inspiration. To some this is an unknown place in the wilderness, to others this is in the warmth of the home. I hope to make work that allows people to indulge in those moments of silence and wonder within the home, creating a feeling of coziness, but at the same time giving mental space to wander so that they eventually set down that cup of tea and go, see, or do whatever the mind feels called to.